Summer IEP Preparation Tips
It’s that time of year again, the lazy days of summer. For children and families, summer is a time of rest, and fun family activities, like going to the beach or pool, or taking a long-awaited family vacation. For families with children [...]
What is Probate?
When someone dies, the surviving family members are often panic-stricken thinking about what they have to do, and how to probate the estate. Invariably, someone has told them that probate is arduous and expensive. In New Jersey, this is generally not [...]
Waivers and Compensatory Education
Do not sign a waiver of claims. Some school districts have been requiring parents to sign waivers prior to the provision of special education and/or related services. The New Jersey Department of Education has issued a memo [1] which they declared in [...]
The Impact of Adoption on Education
Adoption is a common method of creating or expanding a family. There are many types of adoptions: private, through foster care, domestic, international, embryo adoption, etc. Although paths to adoption are varied, common across all of them is the impact the act [...]
Recent Legal Wins For Students With Dyslexia
Learning disabilities, like dyslexia, auditory processing disorders or visual-perceptual deficits, are sometimes referred to as “hidden disabilities.” The reason is that learning disabilities are not visible the way certain physical disabilities are or quickly recognizable the way certain intellectual or developmental [...]