Guardianship or Conservatorship?
Clients often ask us what they think is a simple question: Should they seek guardianship for their loved one? However, there is never a simple answer. A basic understanding of protective arrangements is a good place to start. Manes & Weinberg [...]
Dysgraphia: Dyslexia’s Lesser Known Cousin
Dyslexia is one of the most common learning disabilities. According to the Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity, approximately 20 percent of the American population have some form of dyslexia. Most people know someone with dyslexia, or are at least, familiar with [...]
What happens to your debt after you die?
Many people wonder “What happens to my debt when I die?” Likewise, some family members worry that they might inherit debt from their parents or spouse. Rest assured, debt, in and of itself, is not inheritable, and a surviving spouse or other [...]
Preparing for an Annual IEP Review
It is common for school districts to conduct the most IEP annual review meetings in the spring. These meetings are often a source of dread and anxiety for parents as they feel overwhelmed by the process, the complexity and volume of information, [...]
What to Know When your Child with Developmental Disabilities Prepares to Graduate from School
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) Most likely, your child has been receiving services through an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) throughout his/her school years to remediate areas of disability and maximize his or her potential. Some children participate in transition programs until the year [...]