June 15, 2024 is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. I am reaching out today regarding this challenging, but extremely important topic. It is estimated that 1 in 10 older people (age 60 and above) suffer from some form of abuse each year, yet many cases go unreported. Elder abuse encompasses a range of harmful behaviors — physical, emotional, financial, sexual, and neglect.


While this can be a difficult subject, indications of elder abuse are often subtle and varied, making it crucial for older Americans and those who care for them to have an understanding of the signs. With that in mind, I am providing this guidance for you to reference should you ever have concerns about an older person in your life.


Common Signs of Elder Abuse:

  • Physical Injuries: Bruises, broken bones, burns, and other unexplained injuries.
  • Emotional Changes: Increased anxiety, depression, or withdrawal, often resulting from emotional abuse.
  • Financial Anomalies: Unexplained loss of money, strange transactions, or being unable to access financial records.
  • Neglect: Poor hygiene, malnourishment, untreated medical conditions, or unsafe living conditions.

Certain factors can increase the risk of elder abuse:

  • Age: Individuals over 80 are at a higher risk.
  • Gender: Women are more likely to suffer from prolonged and severe abuse.
  • Health: Those with dementia or poor physical health are particularly vulnerable.
  • Isolation: Elders who live alone or are socially withdrawn face increased risk.

Our elderly relatives and friends depend on our support and advocacy. Recognizing the signs of elder abuse and taking prompt action can make a significant difference in their lives.


Here are some steps to take to protect your loved ones from elder abuse:

  • Regularly check on elderly family members and notice any sudden changes in their physical, emotional, or financial status.
  • If you suspect abuse, do not hesitate to report it. In emergencies, call 911. For other concerns, contact your county Adult Protective Services office; the local numbers can be found here.

If you have any concerns about a friend or loved one, please call our office at (973)376-7733, or send an e-mail to Justine at justine@manesweinberg.com, to schedule a consultation with our team. We are here to provide support and guidance to you and your family.


Additionally, there are several public events scheduled throughout the month, click here to learn more. We encourage you to take advantage of these opportunities to raise awareness and help us end elder abuse.